APCAC Report 2010

Click this link to view the complete APCAC Report 2010

Executive summary

The APCAC focus in 2010 is supporting the U.S. National Export Initiative:

• Globalization in the form of American companies operating successfully abroad is positively correlated with growth in American jobs and exports.

• U.S. support for the competitiveness of Americans abroad is in our national interest.

• U.S. government commercial engagement with Asia should be based on active leadership in APEC, Congressional approval for the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, and progress toward joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership on mutually beneficial commercial terms.

• We support efforts to open markets, improve transparency, standardize and harmonize regulations, and combat corruption,

• The U.S. economy can particularly benefit from improving the business environment in the areas of Energy and the Environment, Financial Services and Investment, Infrastructure Development, the Internet Economy, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, and Diagnostics in Healthcare, and Logistics and Express Delivery Services.

• Asia and the United States remain closely coupled, and Asia is a current and future engine of growth. As stimulative fiscal and monetary policy is gradually normalized, we must turn to building future prosperity on a regional Asia-Pacific basis as well as within individual countries and markets.

Click this link to view the complete APCAC Report 2010

From the Chairman

We are pleased to present to you this updated recommendation report for 2010 from the 27-chapter organization of American Chambers of Commerce, known as the Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce (APCAC). In this report, American business leaders across Asia Pacific offer their recommendations for advancing the competitiveness of American products and services in the fastest growing region of the world.

Our thanks this year go to AmCham China, who is the host of the 2010 APCAC Spring Conference. Our conference in Beijing will bring together business leaders and U.S. and regional government officials to evaluate and plan for future economic opportunities for American business. We are indebted to APCO Worldwide for their help with our report again this year.

We hope this report will continue to be a useful guide for business and government leaders, and we look forward to a continuing dialogue on these and other important issues during the year.


The Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce (APCAC) was founded 42 years ago as a way for the now 27 American Chambers of Commerce in 21 economies spanning Asia Pacific to share best practices and address issues of mutual concern.

The APCAC Report was a new initiative stemming from the 2009 APCAC Conference in Singapore. Now in its second year, the Report has been expanded in 2010 to include more feedback from companies to both the U.S. and regional governments. Our profound thanks go out to Chris Murck from APCO Worldwide for his excellent work on this report yet again.

We greatly appreciate the support and guidance of the American Chambers of Commerce of APCAC that contributed their feedback, particularly to The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan for their extensive work, and the American Chambers in Korea and Singapore for their substantive input. The feedback and suggestions provided by the Chambers have ensured that this is a truly regionally relevant document.

For questions on the report, please contact:

Jessica B Tocco
APCAC Coordinator

AmCham Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City

AmCham Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City chapter has 320 member and associate companies with nearly 600 representatives, based in Vietnam’s commercial and industrial center. The “Southern Economic Zone” represents over one-third of the GDP of Vietnam, and this share is expected to increase to 40 percent by 2010.