AmCham Indonesia - JakartaContact Information
About AmCham IndonesiaAmCham Indonesia has its earliest roots in a committee formed in 1971, consisting of individuals representing American companies operating in Indonesia. The committee, which became known as the American Businessmen’s Group, held informal meetings with the US Embassy and other key officials to gain greater insight into government policies. In 1972, with the rapid growth of American investment in Indonesia, an American Chamber was first proposed. A special meeting of the American Businessmen’s Group was called on July 13, 1973 to further discuss this idea. After reviewing the objectives of other American Chambers, the Chamber founders decided that the goal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia would be to express the opinions of the business community on trade, commerce, finance, agriculture, and industry; and to disseminate useful information among Chamber members. From its inception, the Chamber acknowledged the importance of cooperative efforts, supplementing the activities of existing organizations rather than duplicating them. AmCham also emphasized the importance of being sensitive, as an organization comprising mainly foreigners and foreign business interests, to the concerns and interests of the host country, Indonesia. By 1974, AmCham was well on its way to its current organizational structure. A constitution was drafted and approved, and the first officer elected. In July 1977, a signing ceremony was held between KADIN (the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce) and AmCham, establishing a KADIN Indonesia Komite Amerika Serikat (KIKAS), a joint committee of KADIN and AmCham. AmCham Indonesia TodayAmCham remains true to its early goals of serving as the voice of America’s business community and maintaining a spirit of cooperation with other organizations. Its size and activities have increased substantially through the years. Today, AmCham Indonesia has over 500 members representing over 300 companies. It maintains 21 committees, issues several publications including a newsletter, conducts a well-regarded survey of investor attitudes, hosts prominent Indonesian and American guest speakers, and provides briefings for potential investors. AmCham Indonesia also meets with prominent US and Indonesian government officials to promote Indonesian-American business interests. |
Founded in 1974, AmCham Indonesia today has over 500 representatives of over 300 member companies. It maintains 21 committees, issues several publications including a newsletter, conducts a well-regarded survey of investor attitudes, hosts prominent Indonesian and American guest speakers, and provides briefings for potential investors. AmCham Indonesia also meets with prominent US and Indonesian government officials to promote Indonesian-American business interests. |