Greetings and welcome to the online registration for the 2017 APCAC Doorknock in Washington, DC.
Planning for the upcoming Doorknock has begun and we are looking forward to educating members of the new Administration and Congress about our priority issues. The meeting schedule changes often in the weeks prior to the Doorknock so please be patient as we firm-up all the details. For your planning, here is an outline of the doorknock:
Planning for the upcoming Doorknock has begun and we are looking forward to educating members of the new Administration and Congress about our priority issues. The meeting schedule changes often in the weeks prior to the Doorknock so please be patient as we firm-up all the details. For your planning, here is an outline of the doorknock:
June 18 - Doorknock Briefing Session & Cocktail Reception
June 19 - Meetings with Executive Branch & Political Experts
June 19 - Evening Reception
June 20 - Meetings with Think Tanks & Opinion Leaders
June 20 - Meetings with Think Tanks & Opinion Leaders
June 20 - APCAC Board Meeting
June 20 - Evening Reception
June 21 - Meetings with Legislative Branch
June 21 - Closing Dinner
June 22 - Individual Chamber Meetings
There is a $1,000 registration fee to participate in the doorknock. This fee does not cover your airfare, hotel, or other expenses. It does cover meeting costs, briefing book and other materials, and some meals/receptions. Please note that APCAC delegates are responsible for arranging their own accommodations. We do not have a preferred hotel or a block of rooms reserved.
Please click on the button below to register for the doorknock. Thank you.
There is a $1,000 registration fee to participate in the doorknock. This fee does not cover your airfare, hotel, or other expenses. It does cover meeting costs, briefing book and other materials, and some meals/receptions. Please note that APCAC delegates are responsible for arranging their own accommodations. We do not have a preferred hotel or a block of rooms reserved.
Please click on the button below to register for the doorknock. Thank you.